【Q&A】 I have a talent to gather people who compensate for my weaknesses” Michael Saunders, Coterie Holdings

Born in 1963, Michael Saunders was part of Bibendum’s original 1982 team. He became MD in 2000, selling the business to Conviviality in 2016. He returned as CEO in 2018 when Bibendum was acquired by C&C Group. He joined Coterie Holdings as CEO in 2024. The business owns Hallgarten & Novum Wines and Lay & Wheeler. 

What’s the first wine you remember drinking? 

German Riesling. What it was I can’t recall. But my father absolutely loved the wines from all across Germany. Then the most seminal early moment was when I started working at Sherry Lehmann in New York- I went to stay with a friend of my parents, who was a huge oenophile. He took it on himself to educate me on how great wine should be consumed, as he thought the trade could take itself too seriously. So immediately after a breakfast he got a bottle of d’Yquem 1967, took it to a table in the garden and we drank it (all) there and then. I will never forget it, him or the fabulous wine. 

What job would you be doing if you weren’t in the wine trade? 

I hate to think. I probably would have ended up as a salesman in the City. And I often now think what I would have missed. All the people; the travel; the fabulous food; and this great industry of ours. As you know, I just can’t stay away. 

How do you relax? 

My family would say that I don’t. I would say that I love socialising with my friends; watching far too much sport on television; going to restaurants; and pretending I can play golf. My new game is padel, which is such fun. 

The best book you’ve read recently?

Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. Not my usual fare (and given I am allergic to IT, I surprised myself by really enjoying it). 

Give us a Netflix recommendation.

I go back to watching Money Heist (in Spanish with subtitles). A great plot, great characters, and really compelling viewing. The other series I hugely enjoyed recently was Gomorrah. My wife refused to watch it, saying there was too much killing. I loved it! 

Do you have any sporting loyalties?

Yes- quite obsessive. Chelsea since I was a very young boy; England at most sports. 

Who’s your favourite music artist?

I’m quite “old” in my tastes. So I veer from the Stones to ABBA – I went with my family to ABBA Voyage last year. We all dressed up and had a huge blast. 

Any superstitions? 

The usual – not under ladders. 

Who’s your favourite wine critic? 

I read quite widely. Jancis of course is a palate I have followed for years, think I understand, and trust. 

What’s your most treasured possession?

I have a beautiful modern sculpture (by Rose Pabba-Jones) I bought with a small legacy from my godmother. It sits in my TV room and I’m constantly drawn to it. Somehow I find it very peaceful and calming. 

What’s your proudest moment? 

I suppose I am meant to say when we sold. Bibendum – which was a reward for very long-suffering shareholders. But it’s not. My daughter got married at the end of May and that trumped everything. 

What’s your biggest regret? 

Not travelling more earlier on in life. I was so work (Bibendum) obsessed I refused to give myself the time. I am well-travelled for work, but have missed on so much more. Time to fix that…. 

Who’s your hero? 

Easy: Dame Karen Jones. She is a brilliant businesswoman; she has helped me numerous times in my career simply out of kindness, and her energy levels and intellect are truly formidable. 

Any hidden talents? 

I think the best answer is a talent to gather people around me who I trust and who compensate for my many weaknesses. 

What’s your favourite place in the UK?

Again, easy. I moved to Shropshire around 25 years ago, in the hills outside Ludlow. I always feel so blessed when I get home. There can’t be a better place to live (if you can bear the travel, which I certainly can). 

If we could grant you one wish…

Time. More of it, please. 

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